Drusa Velvet on aivan kuten valo osuu kiteisiin, jotka työntyvät esiin kallion raoista, luoden alati muuttuvan, runollisen ja
monimuotokaleidoskoopin, Drusan nykyaikainen näkemys korostetuista kulmista on pehmeästi vaimentunut
keskeisellä valonlähteellä, mikä tuo syvyyttä ja harmoniaa valaistuksen ja muodon välille. Drusan timanttinen
tunnelma ja kromaattiset sävyt saavat minkä tahansa tilan tuntumaan raikkaalta ja trendikkäältä.
Velvet-version painettu Lentiflex® tekee jokaisesta irisoivasta, silkkisestä kappaleesta ainutlaatuisen.
Just as light hits the crystals poking out from a rock’s crevices, creating an ever-changing, poetic and
multiform kaleidoscope, Drusa’s contemporary take on accentuated angles is softly muted by a central
light source, bringing depth and harmony between illumination and shape. Available in both ceiling/applique
and suspension versions, Drusa’s diamond feel and chromatic shading makes any space feel fresh and on-trend.
The Velvet version’s printed Lentiflex® makes every iridescent, silky piece unique.
Adriano Rachele
Born in 1984. After receiving a degree in Industrial Design in 2007, Adriano began his professional career in
SLAMP’S Research & Development department, where he continues his success today. Going against the trend
of mass-produced items, Adriano Rachele gives each of his pieces the feeling of a single edition while still
managing to produce them in series. Rachele believes that design should possess soul, express poetry and
emotion that tells a story extending beyond simple forms. This concept comes through in his soft, sinuous designs,
whose forms emphasise the unique identity of the brand, and enhance their individual hand-crafted style.
His challenge is to create objects which combine technology, functionality and innovation with tradition and emotion,
while maintaining their ironic and accessible nature.
In 2010, he was recognised as one of the top young talents in Italian design for his Veli project,
which won the Red Dot Design Award in 2012.