Slamp Charlotte lattiavalaisin


  • Halkaisija: Ø 32
  • Korkeus 182 cm
  • Materiaali: Cristalflex® / Lentiflex® Stainless Steel Base
  • Valonlähteet 2 x  E2 7 max 12 W himmennettävät
  • Sisältää himmentimen

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Tuotetunnus (SKU): CHRF000WHT000BB000EU Osastot: , , , Avainsanat tuotteelle , , ,


Charlotte Floor luotiin illuusion maailmasta haasteesta kääntää kaksiulotteinen elementti
äärettömästi moninkertaistuviin muotoihin.
Valo muistuttaa rannasta vetävien aaltojen
valoa jättäen pieniä valaistuja tippoja taakse.
Charlotten veistosmuoto näyttää olevan
valettu yksittäisestä, ahkerasta kehyksestä, aivan kuten hunajakenno sen käsittämättömillä
Sen samankeskiset, kuusikulmaiset muodot mahdollistavat loputtoman näkymän.

Charlotte Floor

By Doriana and Massimiliano Fuksas

Charlotte was created from a world of illusion, from the challenge of turning a two-dimensional element infinitely multiplying shapes.
The light resembles that of waves pulling away from the shore, leaving little illuminated drops behind. Charlotte’s sculptural shape
seems to be molded from a singular, industrious frame, much like honeycomb with its impalpable elements.
Its concentric, hexagonal shapes allow for unending views.

Studio Fuksas, led by Doriana and Massimiliano Fuksas, is one of the most oustanding international architectural firm in the world.
Over the past 40 years the company has developed an innovative approach through a strikingly wide variety of projects, ranging
from urban interventions to airports, from museums to cultural centres and spaces for music, from convention centres to offices,
from interiors to design collections. With headquarters in Rome, Paris and Shenzhen, and a staff of 170 professionals, the practice
has completed more than 600 projects and has worked in Europe, Africa, America, Asia and Australia, receiving numerous international awards

Light Source: 2 X 12W E27 LED Filament Bulbs
Dimmable: with dimmable bulbs
Materials: Cristalflex ® , Lentiflex ®
Weight: net 6,3 Kg – gross 11 Kg
Packaging: 37 x 36 x h. 188 cm